
Android sdk download for windows 10
Android sdk download for windows 10

After downloading the package, begin installation (and choose the desired installation folder to proceed or just leave the default %USERPROFILE%\android-sdk):.

android sdk download for windows 10

Depending on your choice download the appropriate SDK package from above links (but for this example I will be using the manual method).I recommed using the offline SDK installer for installing the essential tools namely SDK and AVD manager: The last version of he installer is found here: SDK Installer_r24.4.1 (for windows), SDK Installer_r24.4.1 (for linux) or SDK Installer_r24.4.1 (for macos)

android sdk download for windows 10

  • A good internet connection (needed for downloading system images etc).
  • Java runtime environment (or JDK) at Oracle website (and download the correct version (32- or 64-bit) for your computer).
  • There are just a couple of prerequisites to note:

    android sdk download for windows 10

    This tutorial is a just step by step for installing Android SDK (Software Development Kit) assuming the user is starting from scratch. If needed, also set ANDROID_HOME environment variable like: export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/android-sdk If you check the android-sdk folder after running tools/bin/sdkmanager -update it will be like: +- android-sdk The sdkmanager accepts the following flag: -sdk_root=: Use the specified SDK root instead of the SDKīut if we omit this flag, it assumes parent directory of tools directory as the sdk root, here in our case android-sdk directory. To get the SDK packages we could run: tools/bin/sdkmanager -update This extracts content to a single directory named tools, like: +- android-sdk Sdk-tools-linux-*.zip only includes the command-line tools.

    android sdk download for windows 10

    Tools/bin/sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms android–27" "build-tools 27.0.3" You can also use the sdkmanager to list and to install any specific packages needed. When executing the above commands, make sure that you replace * with an appropriate version number which you could find in the download page.

    Android sdk download for windows 10